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Persuasive Speech Script for 1 minute audio

Persuasive Speech

Q This week you have a choice of topic to use as you develop your Week 5 activities. You are to do both activities, in other words , two speeches. Post your speech text in the discussion thread and then create your audio file. Instructions for creating your audio file are available at the end of this thread. And don’t forget to respond to at least two of your colleagues’ speeches. Activity 1: Persuasive Speech First, you want to write a short persuasive speech, just two pages long, using any one of the following five speech types: (1) stimulate, (2) convince, (3) call to action, (4) increase consideration, or (5) develop tolerance of alternate perspectives. Use the Principles of Persuasion in Chapter 14 to develop your speech. Post your speech text in the discussion thread area. Then develop and record a brief summary of your speech ideas. The system allows for 1 minute audio files so plan accordingly.

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The following speech will be about call to action for the current pandemic situation addressed to the business entrepreneurs. If customers are satisfied in the pandemic situation, most customers will buy products in bulk. The additional value provided to customers can be a message to them so that they can donate some money by buying a product or availing a service priced without discounted rates. According to Giones et al., (2020), business entrepreneurs can ensure that there is no discount provided to customers at present. This is because there can be many types of raw materials difficult to be obtained during the pandemic situation. The cost of such difficultly available raw materials will always be higher than the average prices of raw materials in normal situations.